Moving conference room furniture needs to be done quickly and safely to ensure that no damage is done to the furniture and the employees tasked with moving and storing the furniture.
Conference room furniture typically consists of tables and chairs. Other accessories may be required, such as screens, projectors or visual and audio equipment. However, if you host conferences at your hotel, you will be required to store and arrange your furniture best to fit the needs of each conference and the attendees.

Whether you store your furniture in the conference room or a separate location, knowing how to handle it safely and move it to storage is vital.
There are two main ways you can move conference room furniture, manually lifting and carrying it as required or using chair and table trolleys. Trolleys will help you move a bigger load faster and safely from location to location.
Moving conference room furniture safely
Manually moving conference room furniture can be laborious and time-consuming. Health and Safety guidelines dictate that for the safety of the person doing the fitting, they cannot lift anything higher than head height and a maximum of 16kg for women and 25kg for men.
However, even sticking within these guidelines, you can be at risk for injury if you lift and move conference room furniture incorrectly.
So how can you best move conference room furniture without causing any injuries to the user or the furniture?
The best way to move conference room furniture quickly and safely is to use table trolleys and chair trolleys to allow for easier removal, less strain and increased efficiency.
How to move conference chairs quickly and safely
You can use various conference chairs, from sturdy cushioned stacking chairs designed for comfort and long periods of sitting, to fold-away chairs for less formal use. Either way, you need to ensure how you transport them doesn’t damage the chairs, making them unsafe for use.
If you have stacking chairs, using a chair trolley will allow you to stack multiple seats to a safe height, enabling the user to easily manoeuvre them.
Moving conference chairs manually
- Read the user manual prior to attempting to lift or move the chairs.
- Use the correct handling and lifting technique to avoid injury when lifting.
- Bend at the knees and keep your back straight and your head up.
- Grip the chairs at the designated lifting point (found in the manufacturer’s guide). If using Burgess stacking chairs, use the lifting points on either side of the cushion and the top rail hold.
- Only lift what you can manage. Ensure the weight is within Health and Safety lifting limits to minimise the risk of injury and damage to the chairs.
Moving conference room chairs with a chair trolley
- Check the route you will be using is free and clear.
- Walk the route you will be taking so you are aware of any steps, sharp corners or obstacles in your way.
- Avoid any routes with stairs to reduce the risk of injury or damage.
- Stack the chairs carefully as per the manufacturer’s directions and be mindful of the weight capacity of the chair trolley.
- Once the chairs are stacked, move into the position directly behind the trolley and align the trolley’s trough with the stack rear legs.
- Tilt the chairs forward slightly to allow you to place the trolley underneath.
- Pull back on the trolley and the chair simultaneously, ensuring you maintain your grip on the stack.
- Keeping the trolley tilted back slightly with the chairs loaded on correctly, you can now move the trolley.
- Walk slowly and smoothly, keeping hold of the trolley and the chairs.
- Unload when you reach your destination.

How to move conference tables quickly and easily
You should avoid dragging conference tables at all costs. Whether you are repositioning them within a room or moving them to be stored, knowing how to lift a conference table and fold it down, if applicable, is vital. This knowledge will help you avoid damaging the table, or floor and risking an injury.
The easiest way to move conference tables is using a trolley. A table trolley will mean you can load tables quickly and move them safely. Always lift with your back and ensure you have enough space to move around when carrying the table. If the tables don’t fold, you should not expect one person to move a table by themselves, always have two fully trained personnel on hand to move the tables. Always lift one at a time using the correct lifting techniques and holding positions.
Moving folding conference tables without a trolley
- Read the handbook to discover how to raise and lower the table correctly.
- Ensure you know the correct lifting techniques for the table as per instructions.
- Lift with your knees bent, your head up, and your back straight to avoid injury.
- Do not lift anything too heavy for you alone – seek assistance or leave it for someone who can lift the table safely.
Moving folding tables safely on a trolley
- Always check the recommended weight limits and the number of tables placed on a single trolley.
- Walk the route you will be moving the trolley along to become familiar with it and identify any issues or problems you might encounter.
- Clear any obstacles if required for easier transportation.
- Carefully lower the tables into the correct position on the trolley using the guide rails for stacking or slide them into place.
- Take care to move the trolley carefully and avoid moving at speed, especially when navigating bends.
- Never use stairs when moving a full or empty trolley.

What conference room furniture to invest in?
If you are looking for conference room furniture that you can easily transport, it is vital you choose furniture that is not only going to be stable but suitable for frequent adjustments and rearranging.
Take the time to read up on how you should move your furniture and the best equipment to help you quickly move your conference room tables and chairs. Doing so will help you avoid any unnecessary damage to the furniture and reduce the risk of injuries to your employees.
If you need assistance selecting the right conference furniture and trolleys, contact our highly experienced and knowledgeable team on + 44 (0)33 0333 9258 or email us at