Corporate Social Responsibility

Burgess Furniture are committed to best environmental practice. As a leading industrial enterprise, we recognise our responsibility to the environment and are committed to achieving best environmental practice. To this end we actively ensure that the environmental impact all of our materials, processes and products is reduced as much as possible or eliminated. The company is certified to ISO 14001.

Accordingly, Burgess Furniture does:

  • Comply with all relevant legal requirements and have a system in place to ensure legislative changes are implemented.
  • Set targets and objectives for environmental performance and ensure these are monitored and reviewed.
    Strive to continually improve the company’s overall environmental performance by achieving the objectives and targets set.
  • Wherever practicable, utilise materials and products which originate from sustainable sources and which are reusable or can be recycled and which it has been established are environmentally sensitive.
  • Continue to invest in improved energy efficiency and energy conservation.
  • Control the creation of waste and wherever practicable, recycle materials. Waste and particularly hazardous wastes and effluents will be disposed of in a safe and responsible manner. The company is committed to prevention of pollution be it to noise, air, land or water.
  • Design and produce products with a long life and for ease of refurbishment so that frame parts can be reused.

BM Trada ISO 14001 Certification UKAS Line       Ecovadis Badge 2024

Policy document can be found here